Land Rover Owners Namibia donates N$ 50 000.00 of proceeds from Off-Road event towards little girl’s cancer treatment.
Last year’s Battle of the Brands for Cancer Off-Road event at the Tony Rust race track had seen no less than 58 entries! Sponsors had also dug deep into their pockets to support the worthy cause. Land Rover Owners Namibia (LRON) is deeply grateful to all participants, sponsors and donors for their support, as now- although with delays due to the current pandemic – LRON was finally able to identify and give much needed financial assistance of N$50 000.00 towards Dantel Swart’s cancer treatment.
7-year old Dantel is a miracle to begin with. She was born ultra premature at 24 weeks, only weighing 850gr. Against all odds, she grew up into a beautiful energetic little girl, an absolute bundle of joy. Even when she is sad, and does not feel well, she will have the biggest smile on the face with playful giggles, ready to hand out kisses, hugs and I love you’s,
On the 18 July 2019, the world came crashing down for Dantel’s family and friends when she was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma Cancer. Ewing’s Sarcoma Cancer is a rare cancerous tumour that grows in the bone or the soft tissue around the bones, such as the cartilage or the nerves, and usually affects people between the age of ten to twenty. The cancer has a high rate of being cured, once localised; however, it is also very aggressive and can spread to other bones, lungs, heart and kidneys. In Dantel’s case, the cancer formed on her left lung with a diameter of 7cm, pressing against her rib and heart. After bone scans, sonars, MRI’s, CT scans, bone marrow extraction and port insertions, Dantel finally started her first cycle of chemo in the middle of last year. The removal of the tumour and part of her 8th rib followed in November and continued with aggressive radiation for two month.
Dantel’s treatment continued at the Unitas Hospital in Pretoria where she receives chemo every 2nd week if her body allows it. Although the chemo affects all soft tissue in her body, she had lost a lot of weight, has no appetite and is in severe pain on a daily basis. She is nauseous, lost her hair, her eyesight has weakened and she is on heart medication. This aggressive treatment, which is almost coming to an end, is her only chance. She will still have to undergo two years of maintenance treatment.
Dantel’s mother, Lehandri said, “We often take for granted the very smallest of things and people that deserve our gratitude. This we must never forget, that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them, just as Land Rover Owners Namibia did for our family in these times. Thank you!”
Land Rover Owners Namibia, with its members and all the participants, sponsors of the Battle of the Brands for Cancer event wish Dantel and her family continued strength and a full recovery.